Charles Petzold

“The Tutors” Explores 16th Century Education

May 15, 2007
New York, N.Y.

We've sure been enjoying the new Showtime series The Tutors, which is all about people who earn a little extra cash helping with their pupils' studies after regular school hours.

Two of the more interesting tutors are the two Thomas's: Thomas Tallis handles tutoring in music education while Thomas More focuses on philosophy and principles.

A comical figure with the nickname The Cardinal is an expert in ecclesiastical matters. Catherine teaches a course in home economics while Anne instructs in poise and beauty skills. (It seems a bit sexist, but it was a long time ago.)

Henry, the head tutor, has taken on the thankless job of sex education, and often suffers exhaustion as a result.

I'm curious how all this education will affect the characters' lives. It's sure important to have a good head on your shoulders.